

To provide you the finest quality, custom fine-art prints of my collection of photographic images captured from around the world.



The process usually begins after you have selected an image, but we can also get started based on a set of criteria.  Because it is impractical to include every image in this site, there are many more from which we can choose.  Each image is confined to a maximum prize size, however, to ensure the highest possible quality.

After you have chosen your image, we then decide on size, finish, additional cropping, and editing treatment.  The latter refers to the application of post-processing techniques such as B/W conversion, toning, cross-processing, et al.  These treatments can be found throughout the galleries and we can usually mix and match them to your desire.  Note that there are limitations such as creating a color image from a B/W negative.  Most, however, choose the print to be finished as found on these pages as this is probably why you liked the image in the first place.

At this point, I will soft-proof the image for your inspection and if no further changes are needed, have the image printed.

Only the finest papers and printing processes available are used. 

If you have any questions or want further technical details, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Image Capture  

In photography and in all but a few cases, the bigger the image capture medium, be it digital or film, the higher the quality of print.  My images are captured on a variety of cameras and formats. 

For domestic work, I tend to use 8x10 large format cameras that produce massive 8"x10" negatives which easily print to 60" or more.  I also use 4x5 large format in earlier work, and a variety medium format cameras including a 6x17 panoramic. 

Travel work is quite different.  Here I try to strike a balance between size and weight.  I typically travel with three cameras one of which is inevitably my rugged Polaroid 110B converted to 4x5 by Michael Batelman.  I have used a variety of 4x5 employing movements, but travel requires compromise.  Past projects also included a medium format camera, my favorite being the sublime Fuji GW690II, but I've recently started using the Canon 5D Mark II for its unsurpassed low-light image sensor technology.  Yes I bring a tripod, but many places do not allow its use.  I've taken many photographs such as this handheld.  I often use a small 35 mm or digital camera as a third unit.


Image Printing  

Information on the printing process and equipment is found here.



Located in Portland, Oregon USA, I have been photographing the local area and beyond for over 10 years. My interest lies with our integration into the natural landscape and the lasting footprints we have left behind.

I thank you for your interest, and hope you enjoy what you find here.



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